Vehicle wrapping is one of the best advertising methods you can invest in. Car wraps have some of the most favorable cost-per-impression rates of any advertising technique, and they work 24/7 to bring you customers from all demographics. But are vehicle wraps actually road legal?
Vehicle wrap advertising rose to popularity fairly recently, so regulations are still working to catch up. Most regulations governing car wraps are on the municipal level, so it’s always important to check the laws in your city if you’re considering using car wraps.
New York City, for instance, has a strict ban on any form of motorized advertisements or mobile billboards, since it’s believed that the added cars on the road will worsen the city’s severe traffic congestion. Plenty of buses are vinyl wrapped, however, and some cabs still have advertising on the roofs of their vehicles. Some companies even use “adbikes,”since they’re non-motorized but still mobile.
Several other cities allow cars with vehicle wraps to drive on roads in order to reach viewers, but have strict regulations about where they can park. These cities often require vehicles to be a certain distance from roads to prevent drivers from camping out near high-traffic areas.
Car wraps may also be limited to certain production sizes, films and coverage amount. Reflective films, for instance, may be limited to keep drivers safe. However, there are no state laws that currently bar individuals from changing the color of their cars with custom car wraps, and you usually won’t have to re-register your vehicle under a different color.
Visibility is also an important consideration. The front windshield and front driver and passenger side windows are prohibited from being wrapped, and cops may pull you over for having covered front windows that keep them from seeing into the vehicle. Windows in the rear, including the rear windshield, can usually be covered with perforated vinyl graphics, but you should still check your city and state laws just in case.
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