If you own or manage a car dealership, you know how important it is to always be working on getting new car loan leads. A lot of people look at this prospect with a good deal of trepidation and worry but you really should not do that. There are a number of tried and true ways to bring in more auto finance leads. Some of them are techniques you may already be doing and a few may be new to you. If you are looking to bring in new leads for car loans, try some of these methods to do just that.
- Talk to your existing customers. Most people recognize the fact that one of the best ways to find decent products and services is to get a personal referral from someone they trust. Whether people are looking for a contractor to work on their home or for a new or used car, they talk to their friends and family to see where they went and who they hired. Ask your customers to refer people in their networks. You can offer discounts or other helpful perks to people who get their friends and family to your dealership. This is one of the best ways to get
- Work with other businesses. There may be other, complementary businesses that you can work with on cross promotions. The local auto supply stores may be a good place to start. Look at the businesses in your community that you use and that offer products and services that are related to cars and car care. Maybe you can work out something with the local car wash. There are a lot of ways to get your name out there and that can often be all you need to bring in new auto finance leads.
- Be a presence at industry events such as conferences and trade shows. The more people you get your business in front of, the better. When you are viewed as a leader in your industry, people will talk about you and your company. That buzz can be very helpful when it comes to auto finance lead generation. Stay in contact with the people you meet at these events. Good follow up can go a long way in helping raise awareness of your brand.
- Work on your digital marketing campaigns. Getting more people to your website may not translate into getting more people to your dealership but it cannot hurt. If you do not think that search engine optimization is important to getting people to go to your website, you should remember that at least 93% of all internet experiences are started with a search engine search. Nearly 75% of all internet users never look past the first page of their search results so your site needs to pop up as close to the top as possible. When it comes to auto lead generation, this can be very helpful.
- You have to create great content. Many companies often overlook this crucial aspect to driving traffic to your site. There is a saying in web development and design, “content is king.” You need to do a few things with your content. It needs to be well written, it needs to be full of your keywords and keyword phrases and you need it to be helpful for the people who read it. When you have content that is useful to the people who visit your site, they will not only come back but they will tell their friends and family about it. This can bring in auto finance leads like you really cannot imagine. If people are reading your content regularly, when they need to buy a car, they are going to think of you.
- Work your social media networks. Google now indexes posts across a variety of social media platforms. Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to spread the word about your business and your brand. Again, the name of the game is awareness. You need to let the world know about your brand and the products and services you provide.
Generating new auto finance leads is neither rocket science nor brain surgery but it does take some imagination and effort.