Purchasing a vehicle is a major investment — no matter what what kind you’re looking to purchase. In order to save money today, many people look into buying a used car. New cars can be beneficial because they haven’t been driven before and often have all of the special features that people look for in their vehicles. However, buying a used car is also a good option, especially when going used car shopping on a budget.
Whether you are looking for a used car for the first time or not, there are several things to keep in mind before you buy. Here is what to look for when buying a used car:
What’s the difference between used and pre-owned?
New car dealers will often sell used cars under the banner of “certified and pre-owned.” This not only means that the car is used, but also that it has passed a rigorous inspection to determine quality and safety. This is a great option to look into if you have a particular brand in mind.
How used is your used car?
Sometimes used cars come from unlikely sources. If you hear the term “program car,” this means that the car may have been used as a rental. This can give you the option of buying a car that is nearly new but with some extra miles on it. So if you’re in the market for, perhaps, a new or like-new Nissan, you might ask a dealer about any former Nissan rental cars they may have on their lot.
How does the buying process work?
Very often, financing for new cars and used cars is slightly different. While both can be paid for on installment, purchasing a used vehicle may make you ineligible for a lease. Above all, before you buy make sure to test drive the car of your choice. All cars handle differently, so it’s important to choose the one that you like best.
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