Because camping and RV travel has become increasingly popular over the years, there is also now a greater need for RV storage solutions. Storage units are now available that are large enough in which to fit cars, recreational vehicles, or even boats in order to protect them from the elements when they are not being used. This is tremendously helpful to owners of vehicles that are not used during the winter months.
RV storage is affordable and offered in units that are accessible every day of the week, in addition to being kept clean and secure. Many storage units are run by professional companies experienced in the business, and will, therefore, provide monitoring of each unit seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and will offer keypad access, security cameras, and security gates. Some will even provide free space estimating to ensure that the vehicle being stored will fit into the chosen unit. Units are typically climate controlled which will add to the protection of the RV or whatever type of vehicle is being stored. Because of the space estimating feature offered by many storage companies, car storage, boat storage, and RV storage is made that much easier.
More and more storage units are springing up across the United States. Often times people do not live in a home with a garage or any storage space appropriate for certain items, including seasonal cars and recreational vehicles. Because of their convenience and affordability, storage units are a fitting choice in which to store almost any belongings that the owner wants to keep safe for an undetermined period of time.
Because of the upkeep and maintenance of modern storage units, millions of people are choosing to rent a unit in which to keep certain items that need to be protected from outside elements, filling the approximately 52,500 units in the United States. As mentioned earlier, storage units are normally climate controlled, which eliminates the possibility of high humidity causing mold to set in with time. It is recommended that, when shopping for a storage unit in which to store any belongings, but especially an RV, a car, or a boat, customers should inspect the unit thoroughly to be sure that it is, in fact, clean, and completely dry before placing their belongings inside.
Self storage units can be a fitting option for almost any item. However, there are storage facilities that are particularly geared toward RV storage as well as winter car storage, and even collector car storage. An RV storage facility will generally provide conveniences such as inordinately wide aisles, sometimes as wide as 40 feet, so that customers can easily turn, back, and park their recreational vehicles. In addition, these facilities will often provide whatever owners need upon returning from a trip in their RV. When the trip is finished, they just drive their RV right to the facility, where they are provided with a dumping station, and water pump systems with which they will be able to conveniently wash their vehicle right away.
In addition to enclosed storage units, there are storage facilities that cater specifically to recreational vehicles, including boats and motorcycles, that offer a covered parking stall for the vehicle as opposed to a contained unit. In these locations aisles are extra wide in order to provide easy access to the vehicle, and ease in getting it in and out. Every inch of the facility is well lit and there is always 24 hour surveillance with cameras and security fencing.
Storage facilities that offer storage for cars, recreational vehicles, boats, and other belongings of all sizes will provide a wide variety of sizable units. Because some items, including RV’s, can be extremely tall, many units can be found that not only measure on a very wide scale, but also contain high ceilings and tall doors. Many facilities have on site loading docks available for use by their customers, as well. Units, and the buildings that house them, are constructed of steel, and are also equipped with fire protection. Storage facilities will typically provide staff available on site every day of the week, and often by request during off hours.