Ever since its original inception in 1915 as “The Aircraft Research Laboratory,” Subaru has a hundred-years’ worth of high-quality, readily-affordable, and easily-dependable cars. Though making cars that are stylish and affordable has always been a top priority at Subaru, its track record in car safety simply cannot be matched. For this reason, Subaru stands out on top for overall car satisfaction.
And to satisfy any would-be car fanatics out there, here are three very special facts about Subaru you may or may not have known:
- Subaru’s Logo is Based on the Pleiades: Subaru’s stargazed logo is based on an actual cluster of stars, the Pleiades. The Pleiades have been written about since ancient times, from Homer to the Babylonians (and, of course, ancient Japan). The word “subaru” itself is the Japanese word for the star cluster, meaning “unity.”
- Subaru Used to Make Planes: Fuji Heavy Industries, Subaru’s parent company, didn’t start out making vehicles. Its origins trace back to 1915, when it was then known as “The Aircraft Research Laboratory.” For forty years, the company specialized in making airplanes, some of which were used by the Japanese Air Force during World War II. After the war, in 1953, the company changed names and products, focusing on cars instead.
- All Subarus Come Equipped With a Boxer Engine: Subaru is known for including boxer engines in nearly all of its vehicles. Boxer engines are unique in that they offer a low center of gravity, which significantly improves a car’s stability, balance, and precision. Car safety is a priority at Subaru, which is the main reason why it goes above and beyond in providing the best automotive technology at prices you can afford.
There is much more to learn about Subaru, of course, but the most important thing to know about Subaru is that whether you have a new Subaru, a used Subaru, or a Subaru lease, your everyday drive will come equipped with car safety features that will give you a comfortable peace of mind.